Ted Milton, the British poet, spoken word performer, musician, leader of Blurt and puppeteer, has been on the sidelines of indie music and art for many years. They have released over 20 albums, with countless collaborations in that time.
When asked to stand in for an absent guitarist, Herman Martin thought, “How am I going to make this work? Three Leos in the same band…. a potentially explosive mixture…” But that’s where the raw energy of a three piece comes from. You can’t sit around daydreaming with a three piece… You have to work together. That was the great thing about Blurt… never a dull moment (oh!… I forgot hanging about for three hours after the soundcheck, waiting to go on stage!!).
Martin eventually played on “60 minutes of Blurt in Blighty” and on “Gravespit” from the Abstract Magazine LP, as well as the 12″ maxi single “Ode, To Be Seen Through Your Eyes”. That’s not forgetting the many tours across Europe, the US and Canada.
“I can honestly say that my time with Ted and Blurt was an extremely educational and inspiring time for me,” says Martin.

Official site: Ted Milton