Coming together, falling apart

Been putting all the stuff like photo shoots and cover designs together, and it looks good to me. Marie Biebuyck did some moody photos in an abandoned brewery… “Stranger in a Strange Land” Yep, that’s definitely what I feel like over here!….. Started talking to possible musicians for the live set…… the electro side of it all is proving to be a bit awkward but it’s coming together!…Take a listen to some of the tracks on the “Jazzoid” page.

So what’s falling apart? Bollocks! Lots of techie problems. I had to re-install all my DAW stuff onto a new computer… It took me about 4 weeks… sounds improbable I know……  you don’t believe me…. Maybe there’s some virtue in just playing the trumpet or harmonica.  then there would be no need for all this computer stuff… but I couldn’t function without it. Technology for the masses…Ha!   Anyway, back to agonising about the next bi-tonal twentieth I suppose……

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